Notes about encrypted storage

Notes from the last time I had to create and use an encrypted usb key.

You need to get the name of your device, and of the partition you will create.


Creating a cryptodevice

Create a partition on the device

fdisk /dev/$dev

Format the partition as LUKS encrypted fs

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/$part           # will prompt for a passphrase
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/$part <keyfile> # will use the key file to encrypt

Open the partition

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/$part $part
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/$part $part --key-file=<keyfile>

This creates a virtual partition in /dev/mapper/$part.

Create a filesystem in the partition

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/$part

Mount the partition

mkdir -p /mnt/usb && mount /dev/mapper/$part /mnt/usb

You can now use /mnt/usb as a normal storage device. It will be encrypted on the fly.

Opening a cryptodevice

Using the last steps of the device creation, the opening becomes :

cryptsetub luksOpen /dev/$part $part
mkdir -p /mnt/usb && mount /dev/mapper/$part /mnt/usb

Closing a cryptodevice

To eject your device properly, the cleanest way is to do everything step by step :

umount /mnt/usb
cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/$part
eject /dev/$dev